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Rover 200 features on Top Gear

Tiff Needell tests the Rover 220 Coupe Turbo on the autobahn and the Nurburgring in an episode of Top Gear from 1992. Unfortunately, the source video tape was missing a couple of seconds from the beginning and about 25 seconds from the end of this review. I have since found another recording, which is complete and includes the Top Gear opening credits, but you may not find the sound and video quite as clear. You can download it here - it's 33MB in size.

Chris Goffey reviews the new Rover 214 and 216 on Top Gear in 1989.

William Woolard talks about the rise of the Japanese car manufacturers and Honda's Partnership with Rover on Top Gear in 1989.

In a bizarrely out-of-character moment, Clarkson says the Rover Coupe was a cool car! This clip is from the Top Gear episode that first aired on August 7th, 2005.

Rover 200 racing videos

Dave "Richard" Nixon, Nigel Ainge, Richard Buckley and Jason Holmes are the drivers of the four Tomcat race cars taking part in this round of the Super Coupe Cup at Snetterton in September 2004.

Jason Holmes performing a perfect pirouette at the Donnington round of the Super Coupe Cup, October 2004. (The maroon Tomcat is driven by Dave Nixon).

In car with David Pierce as he makes some contact with Jason Holmes on the way past him at the Snetterton round of the LMA Eurosaloons Championship in September 2005. Jason and Dave Nixon's "pit crew", Tommy and Graham, are called the "Ramraiders". I think maybe they got the name from these kind of contacts.

The demise of Rover

MG Rover in financial trouble, channel 4 news April 4th, 2005.

MG Rover's uncertain future, RTE news April 11th, 2005.

MG Rover workers sent home. Their families and Rover drivers demonstrate around the Longbridge plant, Sky news April 11th, 2005.

"Trevor McDonald Tonight" from 13th June 2005. Part 1 of a special report about why MG Rover went bust.

A nostalgic look back at the history of Rover cars with Quentin Wilson.

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